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Many entrepreneurs find themselves in business and it seems like they own a job rather than owning a business.  Working long hours six and seven days a week for what sometimes can seem like littler financial return can test even the strongest-willed entrepreneur’s sense of resolve.  We all need a support team and this is especially true when you are growing your business.

Keith Ferrazzi, author of the book Who’s Got Your Back, perfectly demonstrates what it means to build a support team that will help you to weather the storm of entrepreneurship.

It is important to have your own personal “board of advisors”, so to speak.  Now, they do not really have to be a board but the idea is to build a team of trusted advisors who can help you along your journey.

One way to do this is to look for peers that you know and trust within your own industry.  These people can be helpful in reviewing issues with you on a monthly basis and sharing their expertise with you.

Joining an advisory board program is also a great way to leverage a team of like-minded peers who can help you to achieve financial success.  This can be either in the form of hiring a professional peer-to-peer firm or also retaining a business coach or business consultant.

Hiring experts whom you trust is another great way to build a team of people who have your back.  These can be the best-of-the-best in a particular field who you bring on board as either an advisor or as an employee to strengthen your team.

No matter what your approach, one thing is for sure:  nobody ever got to the top of success mountain by himself.  Taking the time to strategically put together a team of professionals to support you along your journey will help ensure that you are armed with the resources required to help you weather the storms that will almost undoubtedly cross your path.